Performing Arts Courses

Dear ERASMUS students interested in studying at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague!

The Academy of Performing Arts in Prague is the leading art school in the Czech Republic and its broad scope makes it a unique art and educational institution in Central Europe. All three of AMU's Faculties (Theatre Faculty – DAMU, Film and TV School – FAMU, and Music and Dance Faculty – HAMU) provide organisational support for various international activities. As part of its international collaborations, AMU has entered into more than 200 agreements with partner schools under the Erasmus+ programme as well as multiple bilateral agreements with partner schools in countries outside Europe.

Below you can access the list of courses we offer to Erasmus students at our faculties. Please note that the range of courses is continuously changing according to the disposition of the teachers and the capacity of the study programmes. Please discuss your specific study plans with the Erasmus coordinators at the respective faculties (contacts are listed below).

Theatre Faculty – DAMU

Film and TV School – FAMU

Music and Dance Faculty – HAMU


Erasmus coordinators: